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Welcome to Celtic Alliance Clan
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Total Donators 0
Total: £0.00
Goal: £15.00
Difference: £15.00


User Info

Hello ,
Welcome to Celtic Alliance Clan.

Online Stats
01. Guest
02. Guest
03. Guest
04. Guest
05. Guest
06. Guest
07. Guest
08. Guest
09. Guest
10. Guest
11. Guest
12. Guest
13. Guest
14. Guest
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General Rules
1. Respect all users of this forum.
2. If you are here from another Clan please add your tag.
3. If applying to join make a separate thread in the recruitment forum.
4. No spaming/bumping threads.
5. Use of team speak is required when gaming with {CA} members.
6. All {CA} decisions are voted on by the Generals, such as alliances, recruitment, participation in tournaments.
7. Members must be loyal to the clan, showing disloyalty may result in being put to death.
8. Members must be active within the game/forum.
9. All matters concerning {CA} are taken to the Generals. Members must obey their decision.
10. Members of {CA} are allowed to fight each other in a competitive or friendly way, but no screens shots are allowed.
11. Listen to and respect all of your clan mates. If you must criticize make it constructive; add some helpful comments.
12. All diplomatic issues are left to the diplomats/Generals.
13. If your using other clans forums respect and honour there rules, if you have a problem contact a {CA} General, remember members are accountable for their actions.
14. Members of the {CA} can voice their opinions in one of our forums and vote when requested by the lords.
15. Actions against the principles/rules of the Clan lead to expulsion.



Total War Rules
1. Follow the hosts rules.
2. Be polite and friendly, be helpful and friendly to new players.
3. Wish your opponent good luck at the start of the battle (GL), always thank your opponent for the battle - good game (GG)
4. Do your private chats in private. If you have a problem with a certain player, then talk private.
5. Fight and die with honour, never escape or withdraw from a battle. If youre the host of a 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 don't terminate the game, let others finish the battle.
6. You will never use tricks (cheats) or play unfairly.
7. If your opponent connection dropped while winning, offer them a rematch.
8. If you host a game and the others break the unit rules rehost right away or agree to the mistake and play on.
9. No red line/hill camping.
10.Work as a team, communicate! Victory will be yours.



Battlefield Rules
1. Follow the server rules.
2. Be polite and friendly, be helpful and friendly to new players.
3. You will never use hacks, cheats or glitches.
4. Admins decisions are final.
5. Work as a team, communicate! Victory will be yours.



Rules For New Recuits
1. You will start off at the rank of Private, this is a probation period where we get to see how active you are in game, forum and on ts/Xfire.
2. The probation period will last one month, members will have failed the probation period if they are unactive for one week continuously, unless prior notification has been given, in which case the probation period will be paused until your return.
3. Use of Teamspeak and Xfire is a requirement.