I spent 7 hours and 35 mins on it! Please appreciate this
I noticed this link when I first started to ramp up my posting while at school. The origin of this link can be found below the box used to type messages/replies or posts.
Below, is where the link is located. Click on BBCode, to find a basic tutorial on using BBCode when posting.
I can imagine you are wondering how to squish that little link into the word "BBCode" so it lights up when your mouse is over it!
I was inspired to further demonstrate the use of BBCode after seeing the hard to notice location of the tutorial link. Please, correct me if there is another link. BBCode is very simple and easy to use. All you need are:
1. A "starter" bracket.
2. A message/text: "The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog."
3. A "closer" bracket.
The "starter" bracket will look something like this:
*Note: These "starter" brackets connect with the below "closer" brackets. [color=****]
Note: The "closer" brackets connect with the above "starter" brackets.
*Note: The "closer" brackets are very simplistic! These are easy to remember but are also easy to forget to place after a message.
BBCode is user friendly, and even has a menu system at the top of the message/post text box. To apply one of the selections from the above menu, simply highlight your text, and click the symbol that applies to your choice. Keep in mind, sometimes the menu selection will rearrange the formatting of your text, simply by adding a space. So make sure your message/post is still in the condition you'd like it to be!
So... Why manually type the brackets when there is a button in the menu above the message/post box? The menu above the message/post box is great! I don't want you to not use it. The menu does however have a few flaws. I personally see these (below) as flaws to the menu, but you may have a different opinion.
1. When highlighting a sentence and then selecting an option from the menu, it will position your view in the message/post box to the top. This can be annoying when you have a long a message/post, because it can get hard to find where you were last were if you were editing something somewhere in the middle of your message/post.
(I barely use the menu system, but when I do I like to scroll back to the message it added brackets around to make sure everything is correct, and as I like it.)
2. Personally, I find it easier to just type the "starter" and "closer" brackets as I type my messages. I find it faster as well, if I'm still typing more after that section, like I said (above) it will position your view to the very top of your message, and this will get annoying if there is still more editing that needs to take place after selecting the BBCode option.
So please, take the time to read this, after all, it may prove to be a quicker technique for you. I also want you guys to apply these new BBcode options to your posts!
Ok, so you want some fancy looking text?
Follow the steps, and you can fancy up anytime!
BBCode, is rather simple when it comes to changing the way your messages look. It uses the simple "starter" and "closer" brackets in all of its codes!
[font=Courier New]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/font]
Result: This is what it should look like when you have posted your message/reply:
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Congratulations! You have just successfully made your message/reply with a different font!
Ok, so along with that fancy text you just learned, you want it in a different color, rather than this boring default color.
Follow the steps and you should know it in no time!
Coloring the text in your posts is just as easy as font! BBCode makes it simple enough to easily memorize the "starter" and the "closer" and because you know the basic color names, this shouldn't be something you will need a reference or list too 24/7.
[color=blue]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/color]
Result: This is what it should look like when you have posted your message/reply:
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Congratulations! You have just successfully made your message/reply with a different color!
Last edited by SplatFace on Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:09 pm; edited 3 times in total
JoinedAug 08, 2009
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:42 pm
Formatting + Additional Font Options
Ok, so you want to place a strike through a sentence to represent old information, or for a funny joke! Maybe you want put that text in bold format, or maybe even center a sentence!
This should be a drive through the park!
Just like above, with fonts and colors, the format options use "starter" and "closer" brackets.
Step 1: Type in your message box (any of the following):
*Note: These are additional options to change the way your font/text looks.
*Note: These are the "starter" brackets!
[sup] = Super Script a Letter
[sub] = Sub Script a Letter
[b] = Bold Text
[i] = Italicize Text
[u] = Underline Text
[s] = Strike Through Text
[size=####] = Size of Text (Replace #### with a number)
*Tip: Size, is sometimes important in emphasizing words, or creating a title. Some standard sizes I use are:
10 ex: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. *Disclaimers,
Notable Sentences.
12 ex: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. *Default Text Size
15 ex: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. *List Titles, Additional Section Title, Emphasis of Sentence.
16 ex: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. *Additional Section Title, Subtitle.
18 ex: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. *Additional Section Title, Subtitle.
24 ex: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. *Post Title, Important Information, Subtitle.
*Note: You will notice the menu above the message/post box the font size listed are not numbers but words.
Tiny =8= The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Small =10= The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Normal =12= The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Large =18= The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Huge =24= The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Step 1b: Once you pick a "starter" bracket (*size=With Your Custom Value), type your message with the "closer" bracket at the end of it.
*The Super Script and Sub Script are special because they only contain one letter between their "starter" and "closer" brackets:
*Note: The letter used below is for example purposes.
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog[sup]1[/sup]
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog[sub]1[/sub]
*Note: The Super Script and Sub Script are for representing the presence of a Side Note for that sentence.
Your messages should look something like one of these:
*Note: "size=15" used below is for example purposes.
[b]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/b]
[i]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/i]
[u]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/u]
[s]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/s]
[size=15]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/size]
Step 1c: Type in your message box (any of the following):
*Note: These are options to change formatting of sentences, and placing sentences in lists or boxes.
*Note: These are the "starter" brackets!
[align=justify] = Justifies Text to Lined Paper Format
[align=left] = Align Text to the Left
[align=center] = Align Text to the Center
[align=right] = Align Text to the Right
[quote] = Place Text in Quote Box
{code} = Place Text in Code Box (Code Boxes prevent BBCode from acting upon text with "starter" and "closer" codes wrapped around sentences.
*Note: Replace "{" and "}" with "[" and "]" (There was a problem with the post and I had to use "{code}" instead.)
Step 1d: Once you pick a "starter" bracket, type your message with the "closer" bracket at the end of it.
The Quote and Code boxes are special because they both place selected text into a box:
[align=justify]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/align]
[align=left]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/align]
[align=center]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/align]
[align=right]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/align]
Result 1+1b: The results should look something like these:
Super: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[sup:c78642fd5c]1[/sup:c78642fd5c]
Sub: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[sub:c78642fd5c]1[/sub:c78642fd5c]
Bold: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. Italicize: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. Underline: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. Strike Through: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog. Size = 15: The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Result 1c+1d: The results should look something like these:
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Align Justify:
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Align Left:
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Align Center:
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Align Right:
The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.
Congratulations! You just got through one hell of a big section! These are all very useful BBCode options, and should definitely be utilized in posts!
Ok, so there some last little things that you can do to your text, like hiding it temporarily, or putting it into a list form. You can also add a Youtube video player to your post, as well as show some pictures, instead of just linking to it.
This will be a very quick section!
BBCode allows users to bring pictures to their post's and also display Youtube video players rather than just linking to an image or video.
Step 1: Type in the message box (any of these):
*Note: These are "starter" brackets that connect with the "closer" brackets below.
Step 2: Once you have selected a "starter" bracket; paste the link, type your message, or create bullet point titles based on the "starter" bracket chosen, then add the "closer" bracket.
*Note: These brackets do not all take messages, instead some of them take URL Addresses:
*Note: URLs used below are for example purposes.
[spoil]The quick red fox, jumped over the brown lazy dog.[/spoil]
Step 2b: To create a list, type in the message box:
*Note: There are 3 different types you can chose from.
This is the only BBCode "starter" I know of, without a "closer."
Result: The result should look like this:
Congratulations! You've made it to the end of the BBCode Tutorial, I hope you liked it, and found it useful. I definitely would like to see you guys use BBCode in your posts! Not that you haven't
JoinedAug 08, 2009
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